Us and Them钢琴简谱歌词
Us and Them
And after all we're only ordinary men
Me, and you
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died
And the General sat, as the lines on the map
moved from side to side
Black and Blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and Down
And in the end it's only round and round and round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
the poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
"Well I mean, they're gonna kill ya, so like, if you give 'em a quick sh...short, sharp shock, they don't do it again.
Dig it? I mean he got off light, 'cause I coulda given 'I'm a thrashin' but I only hit him once.
It's only the difference between right and wrong innit? I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"
Down and Out
It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny that's what the fightings all about
Get out of the way, it's a busy day
And I've got things on my mind
For want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died
晴天娃娃钢琴谱 江语晨-我喜欢夏天你穿背心的感觉
就这样钢琴谱 李荣浩|痛彻心扉
新贵妃醉酒钢琴谱 李玉刚|唱不尽万般柔情
不爱我就拉倒钢琴谱 周杰伦 听歌不用太认真,但它的声音是认真的...
流动的城市钢琴谱 林海-如果城市是流动的,你我会不会无意相遇
给我一个理由忘记钢琴谱 A-Lin 有些爱 越想抽离却越更清晰
最美的遇见钢琴谱 徐佳莹 我们一定要勇敢追求,勇敢面对,把握住我们的幸福
凉凉钢琴谱 杨宗纬/张碧晨-电视剧三生三世十里桃花片尾曲
阿黛尔·阿德金斯《When We Were Young》钢琴简谱
文武贝 《繁华的寂静》钢琴简谱
s-zero-pie《Dream Meets》钢琴简谱
冰雪奇缘2《Lost in the Woods》钢琴简谱